
Using design to understand the science of sex


The Client


OMGYes is a non profit organization dedicated to researching the science of women’s pleasure. It’s their mission to break through outdated taboos and Hollywood myths that sustain ignorance and educational indifference.


The Challenge

OMGYes was first popularized by actress, Emma Watson, who praised the company saying “I wish it had been around longer”. Through candid interviews, demonstrations and clear-headed statistical facts, OMGYes is a treasure trove of information—at times even creating the vocabulary where none existed before.

OBVIOUSLY, this was a client we really wanted to work with. But there was a catch…OMGYes didn’t have the budget for a large design project.

“The design is state-of-the-art and the info-graphics are smart and easy to read.”

— Wired Magazine


The Client’s Needes

OMGYes was first popularized by actress, Emma Watson, who praised the company saying “I wish it had been around longer”. Through candid interviews, demonstrations and clear-headed statistical facts, OMGYes is a treasure trove of information—at times even creating the vocabulary where none existed before.

OBVIOUSLY, this was a client we really wanted to work with. But there was a catch…OMGYes didn’t have the budget for a large design project.


Initial Explorations

We worked together to find a design solution that fit their budget. Rather than taking on a full project, we elected to work with OMGYes once a week to spot check their work and help out with “sticky areas”. This way they were able to work out much of the design on their own, but got support along the way for content organization, UX and UI.


Practical Problem, practical solution

Because we were limited by practical considerations, i.e. budget, we weren’t able to achieve everything we wanted to achieve with OMGYes. But, we were able to do great work together.

Was this the perfect solution? Not at all! Would we do it again? Absolutely.



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